What's in YOUR garage?
STUD LIFTs are MADE IN THE U.S.A. (Patents Pending)
"Our compact lift is PERFECT for your garage WORKOUT!"
Add pull downs, pulleys, a bench and a whole lot more!

"Retro your garage into a space-saving HOME GYM with Stud LIFT!"
"It's great for a quick workout, or for the dedicated lifter."

- Affordable
- Strong Aluminum
- Mounts to wall stud
- Stows FLAT in seconds
- 10 MINUTES to Assembly & Install
- LIFTS up to 500 LBS and is much safer than free weights!
What can you do once you have a StudLIFTs ? Lots of stuff!
StudLIFTs are compact when not in use, as they lay flat against your wall.

We stand FIRMLY behind all materials!
Order your StudLIFT Today! Want to pay over time? NO PROBLEM - We can do $149, then auto-pay the rest!*
Just choose a color - accessories sold separately.